среда, 19 февраля 2020 г.


For dealing with complex geometry that can get slow when actually performing the fracture cuts, ImplosiaFX supports displaying preview cutting planes via its ''Tuning'' feature. Blog Forums Support Contact Cart. Voronoi fracturing - Voronoi fracturing takes a set of points and then it creates a fracture piece of the original geometry for each point. We have discontinued our Alembic and Softimage plug-ins and will no longer be providing support. The Voronoi algorithm splits the solid along lines that bisection the distances between the points. Online 3D product configurator. Feature-limited A feature limited demo is available. implosia fx

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Exocortex Previews Implosia FX 2.0 Fracturing System for Softimage

Continuous fractures - Fractures that pass completely through the object, even if it has already been broken up into separate pieces. The Voronoi algorithm splits the solid along lines that bisection the distances between the points. For educational discounts, please contact sales exocortex. To see the latest from Exocortex, please visit:.

Exocortex Previews Implosia FX Fracturing System for Softimage - Lesterbanks

Custom Quotes If you have unique or special licensing needs, please contact sales exocortex. Online 3D product configurator. We also provide a tool bar that allows for single-click fracturing if you don't want to get into the gritty ICE tree details.

In order to see if Implosia matches your needs, we have created a demo version for you to try out. Educational pricing is also available to individuals with proof of academic enrollment. We have discontinued our Alembic and Softimage plug-ins and will no longer be providing support. Because of this, it is possible to mix and match ImplosiaFX's features as well as ICE's existing features to unleash your creativity.

We provide control over knife thickness, knife subdivisions, linear chaos, rotational chaos, overall chaos, iterations, small chunk size filtering, as well as a number of settings related specifically to density regions.

implosia fx

Please contact sales exocortex. Online 3D product configurator Clara.

Tuning is supported by both continuous, iterative and Voronoi fracturing nodes. Blog Forums Support Contact Cart. Online 3D modeling and free 3D models.

implosia fx

Demo Feature-limited A feature limited demo is available. Feature-limited In order to see implosiaa Implosia matches your needs, we have created a demo version for you to try out. All of the fracturing styles are exposed via ICE Modelling nodes to enable maximum customization.

Iterative fractures - Fractures that only traverse a single component of the object.

Exocortex Implosia FX Adds Slicer for Creating a Partial Shatters in Softimage

Thus enabling you to have your fracturing to reveal embedded explicitly defined shapes. All fracturing styles correctly preserve UVW texture coordinates, normals and im;losia IDs in the commercial version this feature is limited in the demo version.

We provide control over knife thickness, knife subdivisions, global and local chaos, positional chaos, preferred knife angle, and knife angle variance.

implosia fx

For dealing with complex geometry that can implosiw slow when actually performing the fracture cuts, ImplosiaFX supports displaying preview cutting planes via its ''Tuning'' feature. Educational Licenses Educational pricing is also available to individuals with proof of academic enrollment.

Get Implosia Demo Feature-limited In order to see if Implosia matches your needs, we have created a demo version for you to try out. Voronoi fracturing - Voronoi fracturing takes a set of points and then it creates a fracture piece of the original geometry for each point.

From the start, ImplosiaFX was designed to be fully compatible with the powerful rigid body simulation features of Helge Mathee's Exocortex Fz. Thus allowing you to maintain a fast creative pace even when actually cutting high complexity geometry part can be slow.

The boolean operators can be used to cut geometry into shapes that can then be fractured. To compliment the fracturing methods, ImplosiaFX also contains industrial strength constructive solid geometry CSG Boolean functionality.

Feature-limited A feature limited demo is available. These fractures are run iteratively to break up large pieces into smaller and smaller pieces. To see the latest from Exocortex, please visit: Coreis pleased to announce the immediate availability of Exocortex ImplosiaFX.

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