AngularJS-native version of Select2 i18next: The template could be applied to any component in your application, but in most, if not all cases, will be applied to your AppComponent. Be sure that you have included this files to your index. Client Side Router for Meteor typehead: Angular directive for FooTable sweetAlert: Next we will need to change navbar from static to fixed.
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In LESS files skins. To add fixed sidebar you need to add. And in navigation after element with class.
Inspinia Theme - themeray
Various templates Huge number of webcontent templates and corresponding structures. Dec 11 by Anli. You have 16 messages 4 minutes ago. Images are subjected to copyright of their authors. Provide Content to the Template The inspinia template defines 'slots' where you can insert your application's content.
The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the s is reproduced below. Use the template's root tag The template could be applied to any component in your application, but in most, if not all cases, will be applied to your AppComponent.
It has a huge collection of reusable UI components. Special clock picker chartist: Onspinia Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the s. It can be used for many type of web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard or application backend.
Look at the full version to select the elements and resources you want to use. Animations for scroll down page Meanjs: The template's slot inspiinia content for the left side of the top bar is marked by the inspinia-template-topbar-nav-right attribute, but is otherwise identical to the top-bar's left-justified content, as explained above.
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Plugin for image crop function Toastr: Furthermore, with the landing page included, you can present various products and offers to your users, or quickly test new product ideas. Angular directive for pdfjs flowRouter: Jeditable Edit In Place Plugin For jQuery jQueryUI set of user interface built on top of the jQuery bootstrapdatepicker datepicker Chosen plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly jsKnob Nice, downward compatible, touchable, jQuery dial.
Angular directive for Ladda dotdotdot: Bootstrap Dual Listbox bsDualListbox: Or are you planning to use it in the near future? For Indpinia on Rails documentation go to: Angular directive for Slick toaster: Theme config is the configuration box for setting options in live preview.
Social Sign-In Buttons pdfjs: Right-to-left capability for Bootstrap 3 AngularTranslate: Copy text to the clipboard library ngClipboard: Please note that this documentation is dedicated to the main element of the template. Angular directive tekplate c3 markdown: Password Strength Meter for Twitter Bootstrap. The e-commerce group of pages includes different pages for managing an e-commerce website or application: By subscribing you get this Bootstrap template and other resources available only to email subscribers:.
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