воскресенье, 23 февраля 2020 г.


There was excessive hype and glamour about multinationals but I just never got what's so great about selling Dreamflower talc in rural India. But the kind of affect those real stories of entrepreneurship made on me has been very impactful. But finally they settled on IT because it required less investment, no manufacturing and also, it was a field they were comfortable with. Then, they looked at retailing. And finally, all the entrepreneurs who shared their thoughts and experiences so generously and honestly. arise awake rashmi bansal pdf

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One of the partners, Sundar, practically settled in the US to make this happen. So there was this whole mystery around IT. And after 34 years with one company he is still passionate about it! Ashank still recalls the book he would carry around, with details of how much money was to be collected and from whom. That's something that I guess I will have to learn.

Arise, Awake by Rashmi Bansal

But that was not an issue. So there were a bunch of jobs out there and people interested in knowing about those jobs. Serendipity, not well chalked out strategy.

Each story is unique and the examples searched by the authoress to be featured in the book are incredible. Venkat then launched GiveIndia, to promote the culture of 'giving' in India. Raashmi you have read other books of the author, this has same style of narration.

From running a one city operation, Subhiksha was suddenly running 30 centres across Tamil Nadu. All this if I am really good.

Usually they are classmates, colleagues or old friends.

Arise, Awake

And after the dotcom meltdown, when people were leaving dotcoms, naukri was one of the bannsal which kept its eggs in the internet basket. He represents a new generation of young MBAs who are giving up seven figure salaries for the kick of being an entrepreneur.

arise awake rashmi bansal pdf

Not when he got funded but the whole dotcom dream went bust. When we went and spoke to school principals, they welcomed us with open arms saying these guys know more about how to retrofit a computer lab in the school than we do. The book should be a 'must ariss not just for students of management but for all youngsters as it would inspire them to dream the forbidden and achieve the impossible.

arise awake rashmi bansal pdf

They took the plunge straight after their MBA or after working barely a couple of years. A contract had been signed with Thums Up to do a series of concerts all over India. When the market crashed the bankers put away their jeans and brought back the ties.

He decided to join Citi Investment Banking instead. Not understanding what running a business means, you later relearn all those lessons the hard way.

Ashank was passionate about HR while Sudhakar and Ketan put into place the software development side of it. Then there was a project which involved planning the entire purchase operations, followed by production planning.

But is it necessary to vacate an existing space to capture a new one? Fifteen days at Citibank, and RS realised that if he stuck on there, he would never be able to do something of his own in life.

It is really a inspirational one. Afise an IIM Ahmedabad degree, the risk is not much. He had in fact joined early, right after convocation in April. Like many other MBAs who take up entrepreneurship, Mastek capitalised on the intellectual capital of its founding team to get into the game.

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I used to read voraciously. A jeweller friend agreed to take their calls, but he stopped when there were one too many! Mastek on the other hand did not climb on board the Y2K bandwagon at all.

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